My name is Nisa and this is my journey.

On my journey to Mekah for Umrah. Present from my parents after I scored a straight A's during my PMR a year before.

Together with Melinda Wong, Azlina Aziz and Tan Yi Ying. All of them were once my classmate in three different years.
During lab assignment in my second semester of degree. Subject; Unit Operation. The subject is about designing all those towers like the one you can see in Petronas Paka Industrial Complex.
Raya celebration during my third semester of degree. Again, I wore my Mom's kebaya.
L to R: Aza, me, Kak Ija and Anis Low.
you look so lovely in your last picture..BTW, akak dah link blog kamu kat blog akak yg x seberape tu..
Kak Mira:
Hyeeee! Thanx for the compliment. And Emir Faiz pun lovely n sweet jugak (mak dia ada la sikit). Haha! Thanx link blog saya :)
keep smiling ok!
i nak baju oren u tu. sgt santek ok :)
Luth: Thanx :)
Rara: Baju tu dh lama la kak. Scarlet je pun.
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